Vials & Caps

In general, vials and caps are seen as a basic product, while these can make the difference between a good and a bad analysis. After all, unsuitable vials and caps can cause contamination, evaporation of products and faster wear of the injection needles.

For example, it is important for certain analyses to use the correct vials and septa, such as for the analysis on Mosh-Moah. Vial septas may contain Mosh Moah related components that cause noise or false positive results. You can read more about this in our news item.

Our wide range of vials and caps from different manufacturers come in various shapes and sizes. You can contact us for specific analyzes for LC, GC and ICP applications.

For vial crimping tools, please refer to this page.

You can download our brochures via the link below, and if need help with choosing the vials or caps? Feel free to contact us via the contact form below or via our chat.

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