
Instrument solutions at Laborama Expo 2025

The Laborama trade fair will be held at Brussels Expo on March 20 & 21, 2025. Instrument Solutions will once again be participating as an exhibitor this year, together with our sister company SALM EN KIPP.

Our Product Specialists are ready to inform you about our products and help you find the solutions you are looking for.

Parallel to the trade fair, there will be a 2-day conference, The Laborama Community: Scientific Sessions, which will take place at the back of Hall 3, just like last year.


Brussels Expo – Hall 3 – Belgium

Meet Instrument Solutions, booth B22, and SALM EN KIPP at booth B24.

Opening hours

    • Thursday from 09:30 to 16:30
    • Friday from 09:30 to 16:00

At our booth, we will show you, among other things:

    • Cryo-Blade™ and Freezer Mill cryogenic grinder from Cole Parmer (formerly SPEX SamplePrep), for grinding temperature-sensitive samples that are difficult to grind into a very fine powder.

ICP User Meeting 2025

Instrument Solutions, in cooperation with Inorganic Ventures and Glass Expansion, is organizing an ICP User Meeting in Utrecht on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

Are you looking for valuable knowledge and practical insights on ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis? Attend this User Meeting, where you will:

  • Attend inspiring lectures and interactive sessions on the latest developments in ICP analysis techniques.
  • Receive practical tips and insights from leading international ICP specialists.
  • Exchange experiences with fellow users and expand your network.
  • Receive personal case studies and solutions to your specific issues.

Keynote speakers

Are you engaged in ICP analysis and looking for solutions to your challenges?

Then this is a unique opportunity to learn from brand-independent ICP experts and optimize your workflows!

What to expect.

  • Practical tips and insights from international ICP experts
  • Discussions on challenges in sample introduction and sample preparation (unlocking)
  • Opportunities to share experiences and ask questions of the experts


09:30 – 10:00 | Welcome with coffee and tea
10:00 – 10:40 | Optimizing the Analysis of Trace Metals – Dr. Brian Alexander (Inorganic Ventures)
10:40 – 11:15 | ICP Sample Introduction Components: Selection & Optimization – Dr. Maja Budanovic (Glass Expansion)

11:15 – 11:30 | Coffee and tea break

11:30 – 12:10 | A Practical Guide to ICP Ionization & Interface Components – Dr. Maja Budanovic
12:10 – 12:45 | Limitations of ICP-MS & Strategies to Overcome These Problems – Dr. Brian Alexander

12:45 – 13:30 | Lunch

13:30 – 14:10 | Designing, Handling & Solving Problems with Calibration Standards – Dr. Brian Alexander
14:10 – 14:45 | Strategies for Long-Term Analytical Performance – Dr. Maja Budanovic

14:45 – 15:00 | Break with coffee, tea, and soft drinks

15:00 – 16:00 | Meet the Experts – Discuss your specific questions and cases in small groups with our specialists
16:00 – 17:00 | Closing drinks


To participate, there is no cost to you.


Aristo Meeting Center Utrecht

Brennerbaan 150

Utrecht (Lunetten)


Registration Form:

Visit Instrument Solutions at WoTS 2024

The World of Technology & Science trade fair will open its doors! To be precise, the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht will host the WoTS trade fair from Tuesday 24 to Friday 27 September 2024.

Together with sister organisation SALM AND KIPP, we will present ourselves as an exhibitor with a stand. You are welcome to visit our stand in hall 7, stand B046!

Click here for your free ticket!

What we show you:

      • ICP-OES and ICP-MS standards from Inorganic Ventures
      • Sample introduction systems for ICP-OES and ICP-MS from Glass Expansion
      • Katanax X-300 Fusion Fluxer from Environmental Express – for accessing samples for XRF and/or ICP analysis
      • New! SNRG Block™ System for Digestion (open digestion) from Analytichem (formerly SCP Science) – for open digestion.
        heating block for digesting 48 DigiTUBEs of 50mL at a time as sample preparation for your ICP analysis. The temperature course of the digestion is recorded in the specially developed Go2Temp software.
      • GPC set from Knauer – The AZURA® SEC provides solutions for the analysis, separation and fractionation of sample components based on size and molecular weight. This system is useful for industries such as polymer, food, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals and research.
      • New! Nanoscaler from Knauer – The IJM NanoScaler system is designed for laboratory-scale formulation of lipid nanoparticles. It allows scientists to optimize process parameters for formulating API-containing lipid nanoparticles.
      • puriFlash 5,250 from Advion Interchim Scientific – This system enables rapid purification with normal or reverse phase chromatography, collecting fractions by mass. Ensuring safety and accuracy, the system confirms the mass and purity of collected fractions using UV/VIS, ELSD or in combination with MS.
      • New! SPE-LV6 from Advion Interchim Scientific – a compact, automatic system for sample preparation by solid-phase extraction. It makes the process more reliable and safer, and is ideal for analytical chemists seeking automatic solutions instead of manual work.
      • Freezer Mill and Cryo-Blade™ by Cole Parmer-Especially for grinding/pulping difficult to grind and tough samples!
      • Heracles E-Nose – This instrument is both electronic nose and Ultra Fast gas chromatograph and makes an overall odor profile and chemical composition analysis in one run.
      • New! Polarimeter P8000 from Krüss Optronic
      • New! Vasco Kin from Cordouan NanoParticle Characterization system for remote, in-situ DLS measurements in any transparent container via an Optic Fibre. With interchangeable external accessories for concentrated suspension (DTC) measurements and In-Line Millifluidic measurements under Continuous Flow.

Our team of product specialists is ready to explore if our solutions fit your needs!

ICP True Rinse – away with sticky elements, once and for all

Are you tired of struggling with sticky elements and finding it difficult to clean your ICP between samples? The flushing method you use can cause memory effects, leaving you scratching your head and questioning your results when elements such as mercury, gold, boron, silicon and osmium stick.

We have the perfect solution to ease your difficulties. True Rinse is sold in 1L bottles.

Order number: ICP-TRUE-RINSE-1L

Ask for a quote!

How ICP TRUE RINSE helps rinse out

  • Tackles the most stubborn elements
    This ICP wash solution is the result of years of rigorous testing and certification of certified reference materials. It is tailored to tackle even the most sticky elements, such as Hg, Au, B and Os, ensuring accurate testing.
  • Works fast, saves time and hassle
    ICP-TRUE-RINSE provides fast, efficient and consistent cleaning between samples, saving you time and hassle. It reduces the volume and rinse time between samples, as well as the number of blank samples.
  • Ready to use
    ICP-TRUE-RINSE is made with the purest starting materials and comes ready to use with all accompanying documentation.
  • Ensures Good Laboratory Practice.
    Most laboratories use HCl or HNO3 rinses. ICP-TRUE-RINSE takes your washing procedure one step further by introducing Thiourea to mobilize sticky elements.
  • Guaranteed shelf life of five years with TCT
    Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) guarantees the shelf life of the product for five years after the production date.
  • Currently available in 1L
    ICP-TRUE-RINSE is competitively priced.

Read what a customer thinks of ICP-TRUE-RINSE:

“I love the Rinse Solution. I must admit I was skeptical at first, but it really makes a difference! I was able to significantly reduce both my volume and rinse time between samples. One thing that I am pleased with and didn’t really expect is that the solution doesn’t seem to slowly pick up background metals like my HCl rinse would. I often had to replace the HCl rinse solution before I got through all 250 ml of volume because it slowly builds up background. This rinse solution not only did not do that, but continued to work very well after I refilled it halfway through the bottle with DI water.

For this, I rinsed for 30 seconds with HCl at a pump speed of 0.5 rpm. With your solution, I can rinse for 10 seconds at my normal pumping speed of 0.1 rpm and still get good cleaning between samples. This was most evident with my blank method. My normal process is to take 3 blank samples after the highest standards, then the blank method for the samples. I was able to reduce that to just 1 blank sample and basically eliminated the Hg carryover that I was trying to avoid with those extra blanks.’

Michelle Speer

Lab Director, Co-Founder | Gateway Labs

I want to know more about ICP True Rinse


Instrument Solutions exposant op Laborama 2024

Op 14 & 15 maart 2024 vindt in Brussels Expo de vakbeurs Laborama plaats. Instrument Solutions neemt ook dit jaar weer, samen met zusterbedrijf Salm en Kipp, deel als exposant.

Onze Product Specialisten staan voor u klaar om te informeren over ons aanbod en u verder te helpen om oplossingen te vinden waarnaar u op zoek bent.

Parallel aan de beurs is er net als vorig jaar ook een 2-daags congres, The Laborama Community: Scientific Sessions, dat plaats zal vinden  achteraan Paleis 3. Inschrijven hiervoor kan u ook via de aanmeld button onderaan deze pagina.


Brussels Expo – Hal 3  – België

Ontmoet Instrument Solutions en Salm en Kipp op standnummer B22


  • Donderdag van 09:30 to 16:30uur
  • Vrijdag van 09:30 tot 16:00uur

Op onze stand tonen wij u onder andere:



Inorganic Ventures makes packaging more sustainable

A step towards sustainability: IV changes packaging!

Did you know that Inorganic Ventures packed nearly 150,000 bottles by 2022? As part of their commitment to continuous improvement, we have introduced a new process to increase efficiency and be more environmentally conscious.
From 1 September 2023, bottles will no longer be sealed with plastic thermal tape on each cap.

In the past, adding thermally sealed seals was a good way to prove adulteration, but since the introduction of Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) many years ago, this process has become redundant.

The heat-resistant tape does not add any additional protection to the solution. The caps are tightened with an ISO 17025-calibrated torque spanner that ensures the solution is completely sealed and leak-proof during transport. TCT adds an extra layer of protection and thus manipulation prevention.

Remember, the best thing about TCT is that CRMs retain their scientific integrity for up to five years after the production date. The product may be stored in the TCT bag for up to four years and then for up to one year after the product is removed from the packaging.

This change will be applied to all lots manufactured after 1 September 2023. Rest assured, this change will not affect the integrity or quality of our products. As always, IV’s products come with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact our team.

Instrument Solutions at LABNL 2023 trade show

On 26, 27 and 28 September 2023, the laboratory trade show LABNL will take place at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Here you will find the latest technologies, solutions and tools for the laboratory.

A rock-solid conference programme covers topics of interest to every lab worker. Think lab optimisation, detection and separation techniques and innovations in life sciences. Renowned Prof Erik Scherder will give the Key note presentation on the opening day.

Meet Instrument Solutions and its sister company SALM & KIPP on the exhibition floor in Hall 7, stand number is 7B007.


  • What can you expect at our stand?

    Sample pre-preparation

  • Scoop! Cryo-Blade™ – The new Cole-Parmer CG-900 Cryo-Blade™ cryogenic grinder has an ultra-high capacity for grinding and processing sample material of up to 1 kg. Thanks to the homogeneous grinding of the sample, only 1g is needed as a representative test sample of a 1kg ground batch. read more.This Cryo-Blade is a great addition to the successful Freezer Mill, which grinds samples up to 200g.
  • DigiPREP heating block – This system is particularly suitable for unlocking your samples with hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid(*).

ICP Analysis

  • Inorganic Ventures – top quality inorganic standards, both stock and custom-made standards. New are ready-to-use reagents for the Discrete Analyzer (100% satisfaction guarantee).
  • Glass Expansion – top accessories and consumables for your ICP-OES and/or ICP-MS


Ready-to-use reagents for Discrete Analyzer

Say goodbye to DIY with ready-to-use reagents for discrete analyzers! Until now, pre-mixed reagents have not been offered in a sustainable, reliable way. Through extensive research and development, Inorganic Ventures has created the perfect alternative to in-house reagents. These products require no preparation time, improving your efficiency and minimizing errors.

In addition to saving time, these reagents offer method flexibility, batch-to-batch consistency and comprehensive stability data.

As always, these products are packaged in Inorganic Ventures’ Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) for protection from light and you can have them in your home within 2 weeks.

EPA or standard methods for which reagents are available: (*)

  • Chloride (Cl-) Method – Standard Method 4500-Cl-E, EPA Method 325.2
  • Phosphate (PO4-3) Method – Standard Method 4500-PO4-3E
  • Sulfate (SO4-2) Method – Standard Method 4500-SO4-2E, EPA Method 375.4 – Sulfate, Turbidimetric, ASTM D516-11 – Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water, ISO 15923-1 – Water Quality- Determination of Selected Parameters by Discrete Analysis Systems – Part 1: Ammonium, Nitrate, Nitrite, Chloride, Orthophosphate, Sulfate and Silicate with Photometric Detection
  • Ammonia (NH3) Method – ISO 15923-1, ISO 7150/1, EPA Method 350.1, Standard Methods 4500-NH3 F

(*) Please keep an eye on our website. This year the suite of reagents will be further expanded! Likely to be: Ammonia. Alkalinity, Hardness, Chromium and more. Let us know which ones you are looking for!

Shelf life
Because this is a new product, the manufacturer Inorganic Ventures is conducting rolling stability studies. The shelf life is now at 9 months because the study is now 9 months in progress. During the study, every three months the stability is extended by three months until the maximum shelf life is reached, which is not clear at this time.

Not sure if these reagents are right for your laboratory? Below we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions with our answer.








Win back time and increase your lab’s efficiency with ready-to-use reagents! FAQs

1. What instruments are the discrete analytical reagents designed for?

Our discrete reagents can be used on the following instruments:

2. I am using a segmented flow analyzer. Are your discrete analyzer reagents compatible with this instrument?

The reagents for discrete analyzers can work on your segmented flow analyzer. Please refer to the Method Chemistry Sheets (links above) for each product for detailed product composition. Please contact us directly with any questions.

3. Does shipping to or through locations with hot temperatures cause stability issues with the reagents?

Our stability studies have shown that some reagents can be sensitive to heat. All of our products undergo shipping stability to ensure that temporary exposure to heat does not affect product performance. At this time, we recommend refrigerated storage of discrete analytical reagents until our stability studies are completed and storage recommendations on the product coAs are reviewed.

4. Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) extends the shelf life of Inorganic Ventures’ standards by up to five years. Do the Discrete Analyzer Reagents have the same 5-year shelf life?

Unfortunately no. Our standards have a 5-year chemical stability and the TCT pouch ensures that the concentration does not change due to perspiration. The discrete analyzer reagents are still being tested for chemical stability and we currently use the TCT pouch for protection from light. Currently, all of our discrete reagents have a shelf life of 9 months and we will adjust the shelf life every 3 months for the duration of stability testing.

5. The 500 ml volume is not suitable for my testing needs. Does Inorganic Ventures offer other bottle sizes?

Whether you need a custom volume size or a unique formulation, we are happy to work with you to meet your needs. To get started, contact us!

6. I’m not sure if I’m really saving time and money by switching from reagents made in my lab to off-the-shelf reagents from Inorganic Ventures. How do I know for sure?

Schedule an appointment with our Product Manager Jeroen van Boxtel and we’ll walk you through your individual time and money savings! We have a savings calculator ready and you can take the findings to your team.

7. My standard operating procedure (SOP) is very complex. I’m not sure if I can easily add new reagents to the workflow. Can you help?

No problem! Inorganic Ventures’ technicians specialize in SOP development and implementation. Make an appointment through us with one of these chemists for technical support to discuss your specific SOP requirements.

8. I am following alternative methods on my discrete analyzer, are there other methods available?

We are launching more reagents for discrete analyzers in the coming months! The following – Ammonia. Alkalinity, Hardness, Chromium and more to follow. Let us know which ones you are looking for!

Mail us

Platinum Cobalt Color Standard

Drowning in water testing regulations?

Inorganic Ventures’ Platinum Cobalt Color Standard (PT-CO-500ML) is your lifeline!

Accurate, traceable standards are essential for regulatory compliance. If you don’t start with an accurately calibrated CRM, you can’t have confidence in your data.

The color of water and wastewater is often evaluated by determining the level of contaminants present and acts as a general indicator of water quality. For many years, the term “water white” was considered an adequate measurement of solvent color. Different expressions for defining “water white” were developed, making it clear that a more precise color standard is needed.

This need has been met using a colorimetric scaling method that measures the yellow tint in liquids compared to a qualified reference solution. Using UV/Vis spectroscopy, rather than a visual comparison, allows an analyst to more accurately and precisely determine present impurities, which is necessary for virtually colorless samples. Therefore, it is essential that the quality of the reference materials used match the high-quality performance of UV/Vis spectroscopy.

The use of the accurate starting materials (potassium chloroplatinate/cobalt chloride hexahydrate) required by the ASTM method, combined with Inorganic Ventures’ NIST traceable instrument verification methods, ensures credible, repeatable and reliable results.

While different approaches exist in the market for formulating and certifying Pt-Co color standards, the IV product starts with the right materials, follows the prescribed method and backs it up with chemical expertise, integrity and support. Here’s how you can stay afloat as water testing methods evolve.

Platinum Cobalt Color Standard - item number: PT-CO-500ML
Analyteµg/mLMethodNIST SRM#
Platina Cobalt Color Units500 CUNominal (from ASTM D1209-05 method and standard method 2120C)N/A *
Cobalt, Co250ICP Assay3113
Platinum, Pt500ICP Assay3140

*Measured absorbance data determined using a spectrophotometer verified with NIST SRM 2034 and NIST SRM 931h for wavelength and absorbance are provided on the Certificate or Analysis. *Absorbance data obtained using an optical glass cell with a 50mm path length per Standard Methods 2120C and ASTM D1209-05-05.

Other advantages:

Other Benefits:

  • Lot to lot consistency and guaranteed stability
  • Eliminates the time of preparing 500 CU in-house
  • Traceable to NIST
  • Second source available upon request
  • Packaged in our TCT which offers up to 5-year shelf life and eliminates concerns about shipping and storage

Custom Inorganic Standards 5 years Shelf Life

Custom Multi Element inorganic standards now have a certified shelf life of up to 5 years through Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) from Inorganic Ventures. With TCT, concerns about storage and transport conditions of standards are eliminated. This saves the lab money and simplifies research by eliminating the need to constantly monitor stock levels and reorder CRMs.

Last year Inorganic Ventures already introduced the TCT technology for inorganic Stock standards. So now this technology is also available for inorganic Custom standards.

Thanks to TCT, your custom standard can always be in stock.


Last year Inorganic Ventures already introduced the TCT technology for inorganic Stock standards. So now this technology is also available for inorganic Custom standards.


Transpiration refers to the wall of bottle allowing water vapor to pass through and/or through evaporation from the closed bottle opening. It leads to increase in the concentration of the CRM/RM.

Transpiration Control Technology extends the shelf life of the product. Inorganic Ventures uses a specially aluminized bag that prevents an increase in concentration until the bag is opened. The sealed TCT bag stops the loss of water vapor from the bottle when equilibrium is reached in the bag. So it is the same high quality product as you have come to expect from them, but even more improved.

To explain the problem and the technology of the solution, Inorganic Ventures has developed a series of animations explaining the frustrations surrounding perspiration. This series is by chemists for chemists.

The latest animation is called “I’m just a Custom Standard“: