
Laborama 2022, May 19 and 20

For the Belgian market, this normally annual Expo is the meeting place for the laboratory industry. After an absence of 2 years due to the Corona pandemic, this event is fortunately back on the agenda!

Instrument Solutions participates as an exhibitor at Laborama Expo that takes place in Brussels on May 19 and 20, 2022.

Where? Brussels Expo – Hall 1 – Belgium

Meet us at booth C26

What to expect at our booth:

  • Discover the capabilities of the Electronic Nose, Tongue and Eye from Alpha MOS
  • BWB’s flame photometer that measures all 5 elements Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Barium in one analysis
  • Inorganic Calibration Standards from Inorganic Ventures
  • ICP-OES and ICP-MS accessories and consumables from Glass Expansion
    HPLC systems from Ecom
  • Cryogenic grinding with the Freezer Mill, GenoGrinder bead-beater and Katanax electric Fusion Fluxer from SPEX SamplePrep
  • CRM for UV-VIS spectrometry from Starna
  • Evoqua Ultra Pure Water systems


pH buffers speciaal voor USP<791>

Bent u werkzaam in de farmaceutische industrie én verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de ijking van de pH-meter(s) in overeenstemming met USP <791>? CRM’s van Inorganic Ventures bieden vertrouwen, zekerheid en support!

De pH buffers van Inorganic Ventures zijn NIST-traceerbaar en vervaardigd en getest volgens ISO 17034 en ISO 17025 richtlijnen. Elke standaard gaat vergezeld van een gedetailleerd analysecertificaat (CoA), met gecertificeerde waarden voor meerdere temperaturen. Bovendien zijn deze oplossingen geformuleerd om te voldoen aan USP <791> specificaties en zijn direct uit de fles klaar voor gebruik.

Eigenschappen van pH buffers:

  • NIST-herleidbare standaarden, gecertificeerd binnen 5% van de nominale waarden en bijbehorende onzekerheden van niet meer dan 0,05 pH-eenheden.
  • Verpakt in Transpiration Control Technologie (TCT), die de wetenschappelijke integriteit garandeert tot 5 jaar vanaf de datum van productie.
  • Klaar voor gebruik zonder voorbereiding nodig.

Wij bieden een complete lijn van pH ijkstandaarden standaarden, geschikt voor ijking zoals zoals gespecificeerd in USP <791>:

  • pH-1.68
  • pH-4.01
  • pH-6.86
  • pH-9.18
  • pH-10.01
  • pH-12.45 *

* Om de stabiliteit van de oplossing te waarborgen, is pH 12,45 geformuleerd met behulp van KCl/NaOH.

Hebt u een specifieke pH-waarde of formulering nodig die hierboven niet wordt vermeld?

Inorganic Ventures heeft de wetenschappelijke expertise om formules te verfijnen en aan uw specifieke behoeften te voldoen.
Neem gewoon contact met ons op voor een aangepaste offerte of voor meer informatie over onze volledige pH buffer stock standaarden.


6 reasons to stop preparing standards yourself

Are you tired of the limitations associated with buying standard reference materials through standard catalogs? It can be a huge waste of time; scrolling through endless product pages, each with different concentrations and matrices, without any guarantee that you will find the best analytical standards for the task at hand.

Many chemists often skip this laborious process and mix their own analytical standards. However, this method also has pitfalls. Such as extra hassle and non-negligible risks.

Fortunately, there is a better solution. Custom Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) from Inorganic Ventures. This is simple and faster way to get the right analytical reference standards for your specific applications.

A certified, NIST-traceable product delivered by elemental compatibility experts provides complete peace of mind.

It is very nice to have them take on the tough work and reduces for you the inefficiency in time associated with off-the-shelf products, as well as the risk of mixing analytical standards yourself in the lab. The technical team at Inorganic Ventures does nothing but custom produce analytical standards.

Here are the 6 reasons why CRMs custom made by a specialist are superior to analytical standards you mix yourself:

1 Mixing analytical standards is expensive

Blending single-element analytical standards into a working solution demands  both resources and time. Consider the administrative, equipment and labor costs of stocking and measuring re-order points per solution. This quickly leads to a significant ongoing investment.

Using custom analytics standards from Inorganic Ventures ensures that you only pay for what you need. This makes inventory management much easier. Our CRMs are ready for immediate use without further preparation, and you can easily dilute each standard directly from the bottle.

Inorganic Ventures offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

2 Documenting analytical standards is a pain

You always bear the burden of proof when mixing your own calibration standards. Laboratories that are held to the most stringent testing parameters must diligent that every standard is produced to the highest of standards. This requires an enormous degree of confidence and organization. It also requires nerves of steel if you are faced with an audit.

When using a custom product from Inorganic Ventures, all regulatory documentation and associated paperwork (CoA and SDS) is taken care of for you, and is readily available for audits. Their standards are manufactured and certified under their ISO 17025 and ISO 17034 Scopes.

3 Human error is a real risk

To err is human and even experienced chemists make mistakes. When you blend analytical standards yourself, you are bound to question the validity of your results at some point. Unfortunately, there is no room for error in the analytical industry. Perhaps you may experience compatibility issues when mixing your calibration standards because of incorrect additions or an improper matrix – or a host of other common problems.

Common human errors that may compromise the integrity of your DIY working standard include:

  • Incorrect calculations or dilutions
  • Accidental use of the wrong standard, leading to the wrong concentration
  • Improper use of the matrix, which can cause interferences
  • An unstable matrix due to poor knowledge of the required stabilizers
  • Recording the wrong weight (if preparing gravimetrically).

Inorganic Ventures’ technical team carefully checks all of their custom blends to ensure compatibility and stability of your analytical standard. All CRMs are then validated through a robust QC process to ensure absolute accuracy.

If necessary, we can advise you if/how standards can be combined to create a stable working solution. Several stability studies have been conducted to strengthen the methods.

A certified, NIST-recognized custom product provided by elemental compatibility experts provides complete peace of mind.

4 Storing analytical standards can cause even more problems

Transpiration can gradually increase the concentration of your analytical standards over time. Unfortunately, there is no way to combat this phenomenon when mixing your own working standards in-house. Reason is that it occurs as a result of water vapor entering the mixture, either through the walls of the container or through the opening.

Inorganic Ventures has developed a proprietary packaging system that effectively mitigates transpiration, preserving the integrity of the CRMs over longer periods. Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) prevents transpiration from the bottle by means of an equilibrium inside the hermetically sealed container. Analytical standards packaged in this manner maintain their integrity for up to five years after the production date. Products can be stored in the TCT bag for up to four years and then again for up to one year after removal. The time and cost savings associated with constantly replenishing supplies are effectively eliminated, significantly alleviating your storage concerns.

5 Your laboratory could be introducing contaminants

Analytical standards must be packaged in ultra-clean bottles, and sterilized laboratory equipment and clean starter materials are used to prepare the CRM. It is possible to replicate these strict cleanliness conditions in your own lab, but this is another example of the labor intensity and cost requirements of mixing calibration standards yourself.

The team at Inorganic Ventures has conducted extensive leaching studies to examine the contamination levels in all the materials used to manufacture their CRMs. They purchase the cleanest components (starting materials, weigh boats, pipettes, bottles, etc.) and properly leach them all to obtain the cleanest possible analytical standard. In doing so, they have access to a dedicated clean room with a HEPA filtration system and ultra-pure acids for production. This ensures that no environmental contaminants are introduced at any point.

6 You have nowhere to turn when you get unexpected results

It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the source of errors when your results are disappointing. Simple errors, such as exceeding the volume, will require boiling the concentrate, usually in glass, which can only introduce more pollutants. The only solution then is to start all over again.

Inorganic Ventures’ technical support team is ready to assist with sample preparation and is highly skilled at solving problems that arise during testing. Trust their expertise when you encounter unexpected problems. Inorganic Ventures offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Are you ready to stop mixing your own calibration standards and try out a custom CRM from Inorganic Ventures? If so, contact us today for your first created quote. You can also always call us with your questions at +31 (0) 88 46 78 786.


How to Reduce Interferences for 69 Elements

Inorganic Ventures will provide you an insight into their kitchen on Thursday, July 1, 2021, between 15:00 -16:00h (Amsterdam time).

In a webinar, the chemists at Inorganc Ventures will walk you through the creation of calibration standards. In doing so, they take into account chemical compatibility and potential interference issues.

How to reduce interferences for 69 elements?

Furthermore, the capabilities and limitations of the ICP-OES instrumentation are discussed, including sample introduction systems and axial versus radial views. You will learn how to prepare a diverse population of samples to avoid detailed matrix matching. Finally, we discuss the data Workup process and demonstrate how user-generated interference tables are used to interpret your data.

This presentation will discuss the design of the test method used in the lab for Custom CRM products. This ICP-OES method is a good example of the process you can follow in creating methods in your lab for solving your unique challenges.

Inorganic Ventures’ Quality Control department is responsible for the daily testing of all Custom made Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) to ensure product accuracy. Inorganic Ventures’ CRM library contains over 65,000 different products and is still growing every day. A robust ICP-OES testing method is required to ensure the accuracy of nearly all Custom CRMs.

1. You will learn how to create ICP-OES calibration standards that account for chemical compatibility and interferences.
2. We’ll share the best options for sample prep when you’re dealing with lots of samples
3. You will learn how to make manual corrections for spectral interferences.
4. We will explain how to extend the calibration range and still get reliable results.




Shelf life standards up to five years

Standards of Inorganic Ventures have always had a certified shelf life of one year. With new technology it is now possible to store standards for ICP-OES, ICP-MS and AAS for up to 5 years without changing the concentration. These 5 years start when a batch is produced. It is therefore not the case that these can be kept for another 5 years when you receive the standard. However, we strive to deliver standards that have a shelf life of at least two years when they are delivered to the customer. However, this cannot be guaranteed. Of course, we still guarantee a shelf life of at least one year.

Background; what is transpiration?

Transpiration refers to the wall of a bottle that allows water vapour to pass through and/or through evaporation from the closed bottle opening. It leads to an increase in the concentration of the CRM/RM.

The solution

Transpiration Control Technology extends the shelf life of the product. Inorganic Ventures uses a special aluminized bag that prevents an increase in concentration until the bag is opened. The sealed TCT bag stops the loss of water vapour from the bottle when equilibrium is reached in the bag. So it’s the same high Inorganic Ventures TCT zakkenquality product as you’ve come to expect from them, but even more improved.

TCT is an investment by Inorganic Ventures that extends the shelf life of the standards and gives you more control over your standards without it costing you extra. The unconditional guarantee of the products remains the same.

What does this mean for you?

Standards that you receive from now on will be packed in a TCT bag. In the sealed bag, the standard is certified for four years. When you open the bag, the standard is certified for one year. After receiving the product, you keep the bag closed until you start using it. The bag states how long you can use the product before it expires.

You can find the full explanation on the Inorganic Ventures website.


Inorganic Ventures geaccrediteerd volgens ISO 17034-2016

Inorganic Ventures heeft zijn accreditatie volgens ISO 17034: 2016 voltooid. Het hoogste niveau van kwaliteitsborging in de gecertificeerde referentiemateriaal-industrie (CRM).

Deze accreditatie garandeert dat alle methoden die een fabrikant gebruikt om zijn CRM’s te certificeren gevalideerd en bewezen zijn. Kortom, ISO 17034 is het stempel van goedkeuring dat aangeeft dat de CRM’s van de fabrikant correct en competent zijn geproduceerd.

Inorganic Ventures is volgens ISO 17034 en zijn voorgangers langer geaccrediteerd dan enige andere fabrikant van anorganische standaarden”, zegt Chris Gaines, President van Inorganic Ventures. “We zijn er trots op een precedent te scheppen voor de rest van de industrie.“

Inorganic Ventures is op 17 september 2018 geaccrediteerd als ISO 17034: 2016, meer dan een jaar voordat deze overgang moest plaatsvinden. Daarnaast is Inorganic Ventures geaccrediteerd volgens ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 op 17 september 2018, meer dan twee jaar voor de vereiste overgangsdatum.

“We geloven in het bieden van de best mogelijke waarde aan onze klanten, terwijl we ervoor zorgen dat ze het product van de hoogste kwaliteit op de markt krijgen”, zegt Laura Robinson, Marketing Manager voor Inorganic Ventures.

U kunt meer informatie vinden over de ISO-certificeringen van Inorganic Venures en  kopieën van de certificaten vindt u hier.


Veel gestelde vragen

Onze methoden geven aan dat we ISO Guide 34-producten moeten gebruiken. Kunnen we nog steeds kopen van IV?

Ja, dat kan. Onze producten voldoen nog steeds aan of overtreffen de vereisten van ISO-handleiding 34 en voldoen nu aan de strenge eisen van ISO 17034: 2016.

Sommige van uw CoA’s verwijzen nog steeds naar ISO-Guide 34. Zijn ze nog steeds OK om te gebruiken?

Ja, dat zijn ze. Sommige van onze voorraadproducten die zijn vervaardigd en gecertificeerd vóór onze accreditatiedatum van 17 september 2018, verwijzen nog steeds naar ISO Guide 34. Er kan ook een korte vertraging optreden bij het bijwerken van sommige van onze documentatie, labels en website, maar u kunt verzekerd zijn dat de producten nog steeds worden geproduceerd volgens dezelfde hoge normen als u van IV gewend bent.

Waarom breng het me dat mijn CRM-fabrikant is geaccrediteerd volgens ISO 17034?

ISO 17034 garandeert dat alle methoden die door de geaccrediteerde fabrikant worden gebruikt om hun CRM’s te certificeren, gevalideerd en bewezen zijn en dat alle CRM’s correct en competent zijn geproduceerd. Het is als een verzekeringspolis voor de kwaliteit van het product.

Als een bedrijf is geaccrediteerd volgens ISO 17034, betekent dit dan dat al zijn producten worden gefabriceerd om aan deze productienorm te voldoen?

Nee. In feite hebben veel concurrenten van IV een veel beperktere reikwijdte in termen van welke producten feitelijk worden voorbereid met behulp van de gevalideerde processen en procedures die vereist zijn om te voldoen aan de ISO 17034: 2016-specificaties. U moet altijd het accreditatiegebied van uw leverancier bekijken voordat u uw CRM’s koopt. De scope van accreditatie van IV omvat een lijst met 31 pagina’s met producten, terwijl sommige ISO 17034-scopes van onze concurrenten een aantal pagina’s minder dan 10 pagina’s telt.

Over Inorganische Ventures

Inorganic Ventures vervaardigt sinds 1985 een hogere klasse van gecertificeerde referentiematerialen (CRM’s) tegen een eerlijke prijs. Onze CRM’s zijn ontworpen om stabiel, compatibel, NIST traceerbaar te zijn en zijn vervaardigd en getest onder ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 & ISO 17034: Richtlijnen voor 2016 (A2LA, 883.01 & 883.02). We maken bijna elk anorganisch CRM voor ICP, ICP-MS, IC, atomaire absorptie, natte chemie en QC-toepassingen. Eigen normen zijn in feite onze specialiteit. Als een ISO 9001: 2015 geregistreerd bedrijf (QSR-1034), is ons doel om het hoogste kwaliteitsproduct en de meest uitzonderlijke klantenservice en technische ondersteuning in de industrie te bieden.

Hun kracht ligt in het verzorgen van uw specifieke behoeften, Flexing To Your Spex!

Nieuwe 30mL standaard van Inorganic Ventures

Inorganic Ventures komt vanaf volgende maand met ICP kalibratiestandaarden met een volume van 30mL.

Waarom 30 mL verpakkingen?

  • houdbaarheid tot 5 jaar in gesealde TCT zak; als de zak eenmaal geopend is dan is de houdbaarheid 6 maanden.
  • minder kans op onjuiste resultaten door contaminatie
  • besparing over totale kosten
  • minder lab afval
  • eenvoudig voorraadbeheer

Net zoals alle producten van Inorganic Ventures geldt een 100% tevredenheidsgarantie.

Houd onze website in de gaten voor meer informatie. Heeft u concreet al een aanvraag voor deze 30mL standaarden?

Stuur ons uw aanvraag.