
Visit Instrument Solutions at WoTS 2024

The World of Technology & Science trade fair will open its doors! To be precise, the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht will host the WoTS trade fair from Tuesday 24 to Friday 27 September 2024.

Together with sister organisation SALM AND KIPP, we will present ourselves as an exhibitor with a stand. You are welcome to visit our stand in hall 7, stand B046!

What we show you:

      • ICP-OES and ICP-MS standards from Inorganic Ventures
      • Sample introduction systems for ICP-OES and ICP-MS from Glass Expansion
      • Katanax X-300 Fusion Fluxer from Environmental Express – for accessing samples for XRF and/or ICP analysis
      • New! SNRG Block™ System for Digestion (open digestion) from Analytichem (formerly SCP Science) – for open digestion.
        heating block for digesting 48 DigiTUBEs of 50mL at a time as sample preparation for your ICP analysis. The temperature course of the digestion is recorded in the specially developed Go2Temp software.
      • GPC set from Knauer – The AZURA® SEC provides solutions for the analysis, separation and fractionation of sample components based on size and molecular weight. This system is useful for industries such as polymer, food, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals and research.
      • New! Nanoscaler from Knauer – The IJM NanoScaler system is designed for laboratory-scale formulation of lipid nanoparticles. It allows scientists to optimize process parameters for formulating API-containing lipid nanoparticles.
      • puriFlash 5,250 from Advion Interchim Scientific – This system enables rapid purification with normal or reverse phase chromatography, collecting fractions by mass. Ensuring safety and accuracy, the system confirms the mass and purity of collected fractions using UV/VIS, ELSD or in combination with MS.
      • New! SPE-LV6 from Advion Interchim Scientific – a compact, automatic system for sample preparation by solid-phase extraction. It makes the process more reliable and safer, and is ideal for analytical chemists seeking automatic solutions instead of manual work.
      • Freezer Mill and Cryo-Blade™ by Cole Parmer-Especially for grinding/pulping difficult to grind and tough samples!
      • Heracles E-Nose – This instrument is both electronic nose and Ultra Fast gas chromatograph and makes an overall odor profile and chemical composition analysis in one run.
      • New! Polarimeter P8000 from Krüss Optronic
      • New! Vasco Kin from Cordouan NanoParticle Characterization system for remote, in-situ DLS measurements in any transparent container via an Optic Fibre. With interchangeable external accessories for concentrated suspension (DTC) measurements and In-Line Millifluidic measurements under Continuous Flow.

Our team of product specialists is ready to explore if our solutions fit your needs!

Promotie SPARK SPE-cardridges

10% korting op alle SPARK SPE cartridges

Vanaf begin 2019 zijn is alle Online SPE materiaal van SPARK Holland in de Benelux verkrijgbaar via Instrument Solutions. SPARK-Holland houdt zich niet meer bezig met de verkoop zelf, maar richt zich nu volledig op de productie van alle online SPE producten. Wereldwijd wordt de verkoop van deze producten gecoördineerd via onze partner Axel Semrau.

Dit betekent dat alle Online SPE materiaal vanaf nu ook verkrijgbaar is via Instrument Solutions. In deze hele maand april bieden wij u 10% introductiekorting op alle SPE cartridges. Een overzicht van alle beschikbare cartridges met promotieprijzen vindt u hier.

Krachtige SPE oplossingen voor Solid Phase Extraction.

De online SPE-cartridge voor Symbiosis ACE-systemen is speciaal ontworpen voor
voor online elocutie naar de HPLC-kolom. De afmetingen zijn geoptimaliseerd om hoge
extractiecapaciteit te combineren met kleine elutievolumes. Standaard afmetingen zijn lengte 10 mm
en binnendiameter 2 mm. Uiteraard is dit soort cartridges bestand tegen
typische HPLC systeemdruk (max. 300 bar). Alle cartridges zijn ook verkrijgbaar in
10 x 1 mm, deze zijn bestand tegen 1000 bar. Deze patronen zijn gemaakt
met PEEK in plaats van PVDF. De materialen voor de sorbents zijn voor beiden gelijk.