We offer GC’s from Scion Instruments. These are mainly known in the (petro)chemical industry, but are also suitable for applications in the food industry.

Scion logo 300x110pxInstrument Solutions is the exclusive distributor of Scion Instruments for the Benelux (see news item) and takes care of the sales and Technical Service. You can contact us for the latest models 436– and 456-GC’s and if desired combined with a Single Quadrapole (SQ) mass spectrometer, with or without 8400- or 8410 autosampler. For all previous models (3800, 3900, 430, 450) we supply consumables, spare parts and Technical Service & Support.

Scion Instruments has two models, the Scion 436-GC and Scion 456-GC. These gas chromatographs are designed to meet the most important requirements of an analytical-chemical analyst: reliable performance, flexibility, ease of use and easy maintenance. For example, the GCs have a large colour touch screen that clearly shows the status of the GC from a distance. In addition, 14 languages can be set in the GCs – also in Dutch.

Wide range of injectors and injection valves

Scion Instruments supplies a wide range of injectors: packaged and wide bore-, split/splitless (S/SL), Programmable Temperature Vaporizer (PTV), Cold on Column (COC) and Flash injectors. These injectors only work well when perfect electronic flow controllers (EFCs) are also available. The GC’s have high pressure EFC’s between 0 and 150 PSI (0-10 bar) and a high EFC resolution (0.001 PSI). Repeatability of retention times <0.008%! Furthermore, gas and liquid taps can be installed. In the 456-GC even more than 6 cranes can be built in and out (in an external crane oven).

Fast, flexible detection

There is a wide range of detectors (FID, TCD, ECD, NPD/TSD, PFPD, PDHID and SQ-MS) with high sensitivity, easy operation and excellent reliability. All but one of the detectors process data at a rate of 600 measurement points per second (600Hz). In combination with (very) small internal diameter capillary columns and high pre-pressure, very fast gas chromatography can be performed. The narrowest peaks are measured perfectly. Analysis times are drastically reduced and results are obtained faster. This means that more analyses can be carried out per day.


The GCs can be automated with the Scion 8400 or 8410 autosampler or with a CombiPAL from PAL System.


“ATEX” certified

Scion Instruments GCs are ATEX certified. Should a hydrogen incident occur in the GC, the laboratory worker is always safe.


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