MultiVIEW microwave digesting system – Unique in its kind

The MultiVIEW is a fully automated digestion tunnel that works with 12 dynamic Microwave Cavities. Unique is that each of these Microwave Cavities can be controlled separately because each position has its own microwave and IR temperature sensor. The great advantage of this is that in large series, very diverse samples can be digested at the same time. Also, for each individual sample a different temperature-controlled method can be assigned.
In combination with 4 AutoLOADER Units it is possible to automatically unlock up to 300 samples in one sequence.

The system comes with an integrated 15” colour touch screen that clearly displays all operational parameters. The screen has a user-friendly intuitive interface that shows the digestion parameters during the run and allows you to change or stop the run at any time.

Real time displays of temperature versus time are shown for all 12 positions.

If you need to zoom in on an individual sample, you can. You can view a sample on a full screen with maximum detail. For information, the intensity of the microwave power is also displayed.

The construction of the MultiVIEW is robust and is made with materials that are suitable for use in corrosive environments. For example, the stainless steel tunnel, in which the opening takes place, is triple Teflon-coated (Kydex Skin). Furthermore, to protect the electronics, the tunnel containing the samples is completely separated from all other parts of the instrument.

Unique features

  • Racks of samples are pushed into the MultiVIEW from the side. This is safe for the user and efficient in terms of automation
  • Digest 1 to 12 samples with up to 12 different methods simultaneously
  • Can handle up to 300 samples automatically with up to 4 AutoLOADER Units
  • Flexible for R&D and High Throughput for large labs
  • Samples in quartz or Teflon Vessels can be placed in the same rack. You can choose to use the same method for all samples or a different method for each sample
  • Loading and unloading of Vessels after digestion is partly automated and reduces downtime between digestions
  • Samples can be easily identified by means of RF tags embedded in the Vessels
  • CE/UL/CSE approved

Safety features

  • The rack is designed so that there is no personal contact with the vessels when they are vented. The user remains safely away from acid vapours and does not have to hold the vessels for venting
  • Real time temperature monitoring and control per sample. Extreme exothermic reactions are regulated by controlled venting at 34 Bar
  • Temperature is read every 0.2 seconds on all vessels for tight temperature control to prevent venting and loss of sample
  • During cooling and when the door is opened the fan speeds up to remove the heat
  • An explosion-proof sliding door is mounted on the side to protect the user
  • When the tunnel is opened, power is cut to the main areas to protect the user from shock

AutoLOADER – automatic loading of racks with sample tubes

  • One AutoLOADER unit can load 7 racks of 75 ml Teflon or 75 ml Quartz drums. Or, mixed racks of Teflon and Quartz drums
  • Pairs up to 4 AutoLOADER units in series, for up to 300 samples, to maximize throughput during off-peak hours
  • Controlled by the MultiVIEW software
  • During a digestion run racks can be added or removed


MiniWAVE is a compact microwave digestion system that consists of a Touch Screen Controller and a microwave module that can be expanded up to 4 microwave modules. These are connected to each other. Each module simultaneously digests up to 6 samples in 75mL PFA Teflon or Quartz vessels. When using 2 or more modules, it is possible to process completely different sample types per module, each with its own sample-specific conditions.

An IR sensor tracks the temperature of each vessel. A centrally placed 1000Watt microwave provides the same microwave energy at every spot in the chamber. With this unique design, the microwave energy is distributed evenly over the digestion chamber, providing reproducible results from sample to sample. Ideal for environmental, agricultural, petroleum, geological, food and biological samples.

Available applications:

Type of Industry Application Notes
Academia Microwave Digestion of Bovine Liver (NIST Certified Reference Material)
Academia Microwave Digestion of Peach Leaves (NIST Certified Reference Material)
Academia The purpose of this study is to show the leachability of the quartz digestion vessels in a NovaWAVE digestion system The vessels were manufactured and annealed prior to testing
Cosmetics Microwave digestion of TiO2
Environmental Microwave Digestion of Sludges and Waste Sater for TKN determination
Environmental Microwave Digestion of Waste Water Samples
Environmental Microwave Digestion of used oil
Environmental Microwave Digestion of Sea Washed Sand
Environmental Microwave Digestion of Soil Sample
Food Microwave Digestion of Food Samples
Food Microwave Digestion of Beef spiked with TiO2
Food Microwave Digestion of Hg in oyster tissue
Food Microwave Digestion of Rice
Food Microwave Digestion of Milk for TKN determination
Food Microwave Digestion of different food groups like high fat products, proteins, vegetables and milk base products
Food Microwave Digestion of Fatty Acid
Jewelry Microwave Digestion of Tibetan silver (children’s metal jewelry)
Metal & Alloy Microwave Digestion of Nickel Alloy
Mining Microwave Digestion of Powdered Metal Sample
Mining Microwave Digestion of Alumina Powder and Diamond Disks
Petroleum Microwave Digestion of gasoline with doped oil multi-element standard
Petroleum Microwave Digestion of Conostan Oil S-21 Standard
Pharmaceutical Microwave Digestion of over-the-counter Analgesic Pill
Polymer Microwave digestion of CRM polyethylene
Polymer Microwave Digestion of Polypropylene Plastic
Textiles Microwave Digestion system of paint chips (SCP SCIENCE Certified Reference Materials)

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