UV and Visible spectrophotometry is one of the most widely used techniques in analytical science. Procedures that use this method are important for analytical, clinical, and research laboratories, and have an intensive application in a Quality Assurance environment. The technique is fundamentally accurate and precise, but it is essential to regularly check the performance of the instrument to see if it still falls within the specified specifications. If necessary, measures can then be taken if the measurement results are found to go beyond the limits.

We offer simple Single Beam UV-Vis spectrometers from Jenway. Each instrument is tested by a product specialist prior to installation to ensure that it can be used directly in your lab.

Starna® has quartz cells, cuvettes and Certified Reference Materials that are traceable to NIST material.

In the overview below you can quickly find the right brand and model for you based on the desired properties per brand.

Model Visible UV Scanning Single beam Split beam
6300 + +
6305 + + +
Genova Plus + + + +
Genova Nano + + + +
7300 + +
7305 + + +
7310 + + +
7315 + + + +
6700 + + +
6705 + + + +
6715 + + + +

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